How to Create Engaging Slides for Employee Onboarding Meeting
Do you prepare for the onboarding meeting with your new employee? Create a positive and productive onboarding experience with the help of visual presentation slides.
Let us share a few practical design tips on how to create such slides, covering onboarding topics such as:
- Role and responsibilities of a new employee
- Company’s values
- Company’s history
- Organization’s structure
- Initial work and training plan
- Tools and technologies
- Financial and non-financial benefits
Get all the graphics presented here – click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full set of HR Employee Performance Review PowerPoint Presentation.
Present a summary of a new employee’s role and responsibilities
The meeting can either begin or conclude with an executive summary outlining the new employee’s role and responsibilities.
You can create an overview slide that includes the following information about the new team member:
- Personal Information
- Role Details
- Key Tasks and Responsibilities
- Role Impact and Desired Outcomes
- Goals Summary
This slide can also be printed and distributed to the team to clarify the new employee’s role.

You can extend it by presenting direct contact and support persons of a new hire, for example in this form:

Introduce the values of the company
When presenting the company’s main values, explaining them in real-life examples is good. People tend to use abstract terms such as innovation, or accountability, but these concepts should be conveyed through practical examples that employees can visualize and connect with.
Have a look at the slide below. To show company values and their examples, you can use such design. We chose a jigsaw puzzle diagram, to underline that those values work together. To make values easier to remember we used color coding and an icon representation eg. an icon of a handshake represents a collaboration and that value has a turquoise color.

Presenting company history for a new hire
It is common to share the company’s history with a new hire to provide context about the company culture.
For an engaging presentation of history, tell it as an interesting story. Choose only major events, relevant to a new employee.
Here are a few storytelling tips you can apply:
- Use personal stories – of founders, of people working in a company. Avoid mentioning only mere facts.
- Choose information that will make a new hire interested and proud of what the company does – helping other people, improving the environment, making change for the better, etc.
- Present it with the help of visuals. Add pictures, and present it as a roadmap. See the picture below for inspiration.

We created simple roadmap graphics with separate blocks for each year of the company’s history. Since these slides contain a lot of information, it’s essential to maintain a simple and limited color scheme and design to avoid overwhelming the reader.
Present an organizational structure on employee onboarding meeting
When preparing for onboarding in a larger institution with more complex structures, take time to provide information about the organizational structure. We recommend starting by explaining the organization tiers – we used the layers of the pyramid and color coding.

For more details add an organizational chart table with a list of departments, directors, managers, and team members, like the one below:

Show an initial work and training plan with 30-60-90 plan
To explain the plan of the onboarding process, you can visualize it with 30-60-90 plan timeline (like on the slide below).
It presents the activities done in the first months of the new team member. Usually, there will be training events, first projects, and learning about products and procedures. And delivering the first results.

Introduce your tools and technologies on employee onboarding meeting
For a faster integration of a new person, spend part of the employee onboarding meeting to present the main work tools you use. Explain their purpose, key feature, and use, relevant for the new hire work tasks.
You can give an overview of basic tools using the slide layout we designed for that purpose.
Notice that we distributed text frames on the slide vertically, to use as much space as possible.

Motivate by presenting financial and non-financial benefits
People are motivated by various benefits. Besides the financial one – a salary- your company also offers additional ones. Examples of financial benefits are
- Bonuses and incentives
- Stock options/equity
- Retirement plans
- Other financial support
Non-financial benefits can include:
- Training and development
- Mentorship programs
- Memberships to professional organizations
- Further education support
- Health and Wellness expense coverage
- Flexible work hours
- Various employee perks e.g. special employee discounts on products and services or paid time off for volunteering
It matters to present those lists clearly. Get inspired by two of the slides we created below.

In the first slide above we used a matrix layout to show four categories of financial benefits. Such a structure looks compact, however, it requires four elements.
In the second slide below we created a column structure for the employee’s personal development benefits. Such a structure is more flexible, as it’s easier to add or remove columns without the need to remake the slide layout.

Other topics of an employee onboarding meeting
Depending on your organization and HR approach to job induction, onboarding meetings can cover also:
- The company´s mission and vision
- Strategic direction and new hire’s contribution to achieve strategy targets
- Company guidelines and policies overview
- Social responsibility activities of a company
- HR support during the onboarding process
- Agenda of new employee first week or month
- PDP – introducing the concept of a Personal Development Plan and how a company can support it
- Setting goals and metrics of an employee’s work objectives
You can present those topics using a similar style of slides, enriched by graphics supporting your content. We share more examples in the presentation template mentioned at the end of the article.
Designer’s tips for an effective employee onboarding meeting
Good design supports effective communication and creates an overall impression of a company. That’s why try to apply those slide design tips when preparing a presentation for your HR meetings:
- Graphically visualize complex information – present dates and plans not as plain text but creatively with roadmaps and timelines visualizations. Use charts or diagrams to represent information, such as the organizational structure.
- Simple colors – use a non-heavy color layout for slides with dense text
- Use full slide layout – as in the example with vertical text frames – distribute the frames with text vertically to fill the whole slide space.
- Icons – use icons to visually represent the content. One icon can make your point more powerful than a plain text sentence.
Resources: HR Presentation Templates
The slide examples above are from one of our HR PowerPoint templates. The full presentation is available in the infoDiagram collection of PPT graphics:
or browse the whole set of HR related presentations.