Present Corporate Brand Identity with Modern Clean Graphics

Do you need to share or explain your Brand Identity? Whether you need to explain brand objectives and your company mission to new hires or to prospects at a sales presentation, imagery is important. Using powerful visuals is an important part of any compelling presentation. This is, even more, the case when you need to establish something as significant as your brand identity.

Explain Your Brand Identity

Use Corporate Branding Diagrams to explain your branding in a fresh, innovative way. Explain the significance of branding to your team. Ensure they understand brand objectives, tools, and purpose. Be sure they can see the link between your corporate branding and strategy. Introduce them to platforms like Wepik, where they can create stunning business cards for free, as a practical example of implementing your brand identity.

Diagrams and symbols provide a visual shorthand for abstract concepts. They can help you explain aspects of your brand identity.

Click here to see the full Corporate Brand Identity Models PPT graphic set. Inspire your own innovation.

Explain Brand Identity vs Brand Image

Brand Identity vs Brand Image Comparison

Does your audience understand what separates Brand Identity and Brand Image? Does your audience understand the overlap? Make sure. Using the Brand Identity vs. Brand Image comparison slide you can break down the differences. Use icons to personalize different attributes like your corporate logo and mantra or brand emotions and beliefs. Change the colors to better represent your brand and create a cohesive visual.

Share Relevant Branding Quotes

Branding Quote Template

Whether the quotes about your company’s specific branding strategy come from within or you’re sharing generalized quotes about the importance of branding from industry experts, quote templates will help your slides pop. This modern, sleek slide template is more eye-catching and visually engaging than a standard text slide. Graphics like the quotation marks and textbox and the background image help take your presentation to the next level. If you’re introducing new hires to branding concepts they might benefit from quotes. Help them understand why your corporate brand and identity are so important.

Explain Brand Identity Components

Brand Identity ComponentsTrust, Design, Value, Strategy, Logo, Marketing, Advertising, Identity

What goes into identity of a brand? Explain the many components in an easy-to-follow format. You can provide descriptions of each item. Share what each component means to you and your organization. You may also offer explanations for what your specific brand components are. Substitute those for general explanations for a more personalized Brand Identity Components slide.

Share the Important Areas of Branding

Branding Importance Areas Diagraminfluencing Awareness, Loyalty and Sales

What are the important areas of branding? Does your audience know them? Do they understand the importance of different areas of branding for your corporate branding strategy? If not, this slide template is the perfect opportunity to share that information. In the example, you can provide supplementary details about your brand, as well as an icon to represent your brand. Then on the other side of the pitchfork shape, you can break down how Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, and Brand Sales impact your business.

Explain Your Brand’s Purpose

Brand Identity Purpose MatrixBrand Personality, Essence, Value, Imagery

The purpose of your Brand may not be intuitive to your audience. By using a Brand Purpose Matrix you can help your audience understand various components of your purpose. Brand Personality, Essence, Value, and Imagery all go into your Brand Purpose and Corporate Identity. You can supplement the descriptions with customized icons to help explain your points.

Create a Cohesive, Eye-Catching Corporate Brand Presentation

You don’t need to be a graphic design professional to be able to use visually appealing graphics. Creative graphics well help you explain your points, even for abstract ideas. With the matrixes and other slide templates, you can make your presentations more understandable. Using tables or paragraphs can make for cluttered slides. You don’t want your presentation to look too busy! Explain abstract ideas with compelling videos to help your audience understand your message.

Resource: Corporate Brand Identity Models

Use new ideas and novel approaches. Don’t fall back on the same, boring bulleted lists. Communicate full ideas with smart graphics and images so you can keep unnecessary explanations to a minimum. Build a cohesive presentation to explain your corporate branding and identity. See the full set here:

For more graphics, you can use to customize your presentation, please check our new ultimate graphics bundle by clicking here.


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