Every successful case is a special case (Seth Godin blog)

Here I share example of illustrating the main message of Seth Godin’s blog post “Every successful case is a special case” or how you can present a success. You can see process of visual thinking how I came up with the final Venn diagram drawing.

The final image that I designed is bellow. I tried to catch the essence of the article in one drawing. I used a Venn diagram of three circles – that fits very well if you want to show common parts of several attributes.

blog illustration in ppt success case venn diagram

Design elements are from www.InfoDiagram.com PowerPoint library

How I designed it? My visual thinking process

When reading and analyzing Seth’s blog, I noticed that the intersection of various business types is a key message here, worth to underline by visualization. Well, good old Venn diagram is ideal for this purpose – showing an intersection.

I played a bit with ways showing “difference”. I tried to use different shapes and different colors (one at a time, to keep consistency):

However, the result looked too heavy, too complex to read fast. So I finally selected the most simple – the same oval shapes, where the difference is expressed only in writing.

I hope you enjoy it.

Want to make the same graphics to illustrate your presentation or blog? Explore handwritten markers collection here.

More ideas for presentation graphics

Check out these articles if you search for more inspiration on how to visualize your presentation:

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infoDiagram Co-founder, Visual Communication Expert

Articles: 107