5 Creative Ideas to Use Sketched Banners in PowerPoint
When you need to outline the main idea, create a nice header or even a logo, you can easily do it in PowerPoint, using sketched banners.
In this post, you will find more ways how to use banners in the presentation, and some of them are quite unusual 🙂
#1: Creative Agenda with Sketched Points

The first case is probably the most obvious example of using such stripe. If you apply a nice appropriate font and the same hand drawn style to every point, the agenda will differ from boring default templates.
#2: Header of a Text Slide or Map

On the pictures you can see examples of using ribbons as the title of a slide – after it, you can place text, diagram, chart, or map. Even if such a header is followed only by bare text, the slide will look more engaging.

You can use charcoal style if it suits the overall style of your document. What’s more, it looks professional.
#3: Banner Bullets in a Form of an Arrow or Flag

If you to make a creative list quickly, then such ribbons and banners are what you need. You can present main points and ideas, or reason and outcome (like in the 1st picture).
#4: Putting Note or Brief Description

With such a circle banner, that looks like a cloud, you can update your slide and make important information stand out.
#5: Brackets to Outline Main Ideas

Instead of banners, you can also apply pencil-style brackets. They look authentic and can play the same role as ribbons: outline the main message, or serve as creative bullet points.
Those are five ways of using banners and brackets on slides. Share your ways of using such visual elements in the comments.
All examples are from our Sketched Banners collection. It contains over 40 pencils sketched shapes: banners, label ribbons, bookmarks, and creative brackets. All elements are fully editable in PowerPoint and ready to use.