How to Visualize the Failure Idea in a Presentation [concept visualization]
Looking for ways to present failure or decline? Check this blog to get inspiration on how to show the failure concept visually. Such illustrations will help you create unique slides and organize information in an attractive way.
Failure or rejection ideas appear quite often in business presentations: you may need to show the ways to overcome a crisis, warn your audience about potential problems, present errors or losses.
If you want to create an original presentation that won’t look outdated and keep the audience interested in your content, add such catchy symbols to your slides. Below we suggest several icon ideas and you can choose which one fits best to your presentation context.
Presenting the failure concept with elegant outline symbols

In the picture, there are several icon examples in an elegant outline style, which is widely used in many modern presentation slides. You can enrich your presentation with one of those symbols to make it more engaging:
- thumbs down and unhappy smiley face as symbols of rejection
- warning triangle as a metaphor of alert or caution
- crossed shield showing the lack of protection that leads to failure
- broken cogs with dollar sign warning about the financial crisis or bankruptcy
- people with lighting between them illustrating tension in communication
- cracking ice icon highlighting structure or human failure in terms of change
Style neutral modern failure concept metaphors

Above you can see more ideas on how you can show the business concept of failure or decline. These simple flat icons are pretty universal – they are style-neutral so they fit various branding graphics. They look well if you have only a little space on the slide, as those icons are recognizable also if they are small size. Use such symbols to create a professional-looking presentation that will be user friendly to read and perceive. Some ideas you can consider:
- thumbs down as a sign of rejection
- people with lighting illustrating arguments between them and communication failure
- PC sign with an unhappy face and tablet icon with X showing system collapse
- broken cogs as a metaphor of mechanical failure or problem
- crossed shield symbol showing the lack of protection that leads to the failure
- chart with arrow down showing the financial crisis tendency
- car sign with a fallen down tree as a warning of the dangerous situation
Illustrating failure concept ideas with hand drawn graphics

If you want to create more personalized slides, use creative hand drawn icons for presenting the failure ideas. You can find the specific visual ideas below:
- unhappy face sign showing a failure to satisfy clients needs
- thumbs down presenting rejection situation
- warning triangle as a symbol of a dangerous situation
- chart with trend down illustrating the deterioration and decline
- circle with X sign as a system problem or breakdown
We hope our icon ideas inspire you to create a more visual and therefore engaging presentation.
If you like the suggested icons, you can get them from infoDiagram library. The best way to get them is by joining subscription access to PPT graphics here. It will allow you to download these symbols, and graphics from any presentation deck you find on the website.
More concept icons ideas
Need to show another concept in a presentation? Communication, Crisis, Status, Change you name it. Check our ultimate Concept Visualization List blog post to get inspired and balance the informative part of your presentations.