4 Ways to Use DNA Helix Diagram in PowerPoint

Have a presentation about organizational culture or values? Or looking for a way to show a yearly or a monthly timeline creatively? Consider using a DNA helix diagram.

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DNA structure chart will help to visualize company culture values, and list of key traits your organization has, or using it you can create an unconventional timeline.

Note: All example images below can be found in the collection DNA Helix PowerPoint Diagrams (see details by clicking the pictures).

What is a DNA diagram?

DNA diagram is a graphical chart resembling the shape of a double helix, a symbol of the human DNA structure that defines the characteristics of a person. This metaphor is used to illustrate the organizational culture of a corporation or smaller company, and its underlying values and principles.

DNA diagram helix powerpoint

The DNA helix diagram can also be used while comparing two or more related items on a slide, and as a timeline, as in the following examples.

DNA diagram dna structure ppt

Why use DNA diagram to show organizational culture?

The shape of the double helix is well-known, eye-catching, and not a trivial illustration. So you can express a certain level of sophistication by using this kind of graphics within your slides.

You can add explanations or present specific items with icons. At the end of the slide deck, we added a set of icons you can use or you can extend it by getting a wider PPT icon set (see Related Diagrams section). The colors of these diagram shapes and icons are editable (all graphics is vector format). So you can change them to the colors of your template or company brand.

Examples of creative visualizations made with DNA diagram

Corporate DNA Double Helix Diagram

To show an organizational culture or so-called corporate DNA, we used a double helix chart that symbolizes biological  DNA. To make it look creative we used a dark background and put five components of the company’s culture: company vision, values, purpose, strategy, and culture. We also illustrated each point with a flat icon.

DNA diagram Organizational Culture
DNA diagram outline

The light outline version on the white background also looks professional, here we used outline icons to show the components of corporate DNA.

Company DNA Elements Example

Here’s another variation of corporate DNA. Here we didn’t put the points on the diagram itself but used teardrop shapes with icons inside. We also put a short description of each element. The key to keeping the professional look of the slide is not to stuff too much information inside the slide and remember the alignment of all shapes.

DNA diagram Company DNA Elements

You can use a DNA diagram not only for discussing organizational culture. There are several other cases where you can apply it to surprise your audience with creative slides 🙂

Comparison DNA Graphics Template

DNA diagram will be advantageous if you want to show any comparison. In the image example, we compared two sides, but you can edit the chart as you like and show up to five items. In the case of two sides comparison, there’s a place for a long description. However, remember people will focus attention on listening to you, so leave only keywords there.

DNA diagram DNA Double Helix Templat

Another example of a comparison diagram is such vertical DNA helix. The slide is divided into two parts in light and dark colors, which is a good decision when you want to talk about the pros and cons of a subject or concept.

DNA diagram Positive – Negative Comparison ppt

Creative DNA Timeline

DNA diagram can be used to show goals or milestones of a particular time period.  We designed a 5-year timeline, used different color coding for each year, and added several icons (you can change them and assign e.g. to every year).

DNA diagram timeline

We hope those examples inspire you for your next presentation :). You can try to recreate such DNA diagrams on your own or make use of our slide-deck template mentioned below.

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Resources: Company DNA Helix Diagrams for PowerPoint

To help you design such slides, we have created a collection of editable Company DNA Helix Graphics. You can find there a dozen diagrams, and 38 symbols to illustrate corporate DNA, timeline, or comparison charts.

If you need more diagrams, check out our infographics bundle which includes 200+ creative PowerPoint diagrams, including timelines, lists, and comparisons.


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