IT Company Using PPT Infographics [client story]
Infographics are everywhere around us: they are bright, fast to catch, and easy to understand.
If you think PowerPoint is not the right tool for that, you will be surprised 🙂 Here’s an example of our client using tall-format ppt infographics for promoting their digital services on the website.
We’ve been approached by guys from the IT consulting company Taligent to help them boost their presentation and facelift the infographics. They had a smart idea to use infographics as a support of their sales presentation.
The goal of infographics was to compare two situations – with the solution of our client and without it.
The infographics contained two long columns next to each other presenting various qualitative (texts) and quantitative (numbers) information. This is a pretty good sales approach – to present situations with and without the promoted solution.
Taligent guys used this infographics structure to highlight how their digital integration services would benefit a client, and how much time it would save compared to the classical approach.
We helped with adapting the presentation template to the company colors and refreshing its look by choosing some modern-looking images. The colors were adapted to the Taligent visual identity. And we added a bunch of our beloved icons – here we went for simple flat icons because of less space. And the icons should only support the message of infographics. The most important parts were the performance numbers.
Here’s what the result was:
You can check the detailed story directly on their blog The Taligent way of Digital Transformation.
Notice how they nicely promote their services – underlining a new way of making faster and cheaper digital integration solutions. From my previous job experience (IT data analytics), I know this market of IT systems integration is pretty complicated.
Hence also their sales presentations should present a simple message, unlike the other, IT integrations companies usually do.
Other cases of applying infographics
This information visualization case study was an example of comparison infographics used for the sales presentation. Other types of infographics you can use are:
- illustrate a list of benefits or features by enumeration infographics
- present key performance indicators numbers in tall infographics
- show a timeline by roadmap infographics e.g. showing company history, product development, or project milestones. See an example of other infographics we prepared for Dash Foundation – again all were designed in PowerPoint with the use of our simple flat icons
See our guide on how to change a PowerPoint file into bitmap format that you can use for emailing:
Further resources for making infographics:
- Simple icons PPT library for infographics
- Flat infographics PPT diagrams collection
- PowerPoint Template for Tall Infographics.
- Creative PPT Shapes and Diagrams – examples of infographics graphics on Pinterest