How to Order Chaotic Slides with Align & Distribute PowerPoint tools [PPT Design Tips]

Last Updated on June 28, 2024 by Barbara

Presenting your message clearly is crucial to be understood. We’ve got the secrets that will get you there 🙂

One of the common mistakes in slide design is a lack of alignment and chaotically distributed content. In this blog post, we’re going to share tips for positioning your elements so that they look organized and professional — all in 5 minutes or less!

This article is a part of our Design Tips for Professional Presentation series, see more on our blog. Also, make sure to check our e-book for six critical design issues to be checked with examples in one handy pdf:

It includes useful PowerPoint shortcuts and guidelines that will help you design a professional slide presentation, create your own unique style, and impress any audience:

  • Slide margins and white space – make your slide easy to read
  • Consistency – how to keep one style through the presentation
  • Natural and easy-to-follow reading flow
  • How to make 1 main idea stand out
  • Spellcheck for a professional reading experience

So let’s explore why placing slide elements accurately can make such a big difference to your slides and how to align in PowerPoint.

Alignment of texts, charts & tables in presentations

Proper positioning of the slide elements makes it easier for an eye to follow the content. If the elements are not aligned, this creates an impression of an unfinished presentation.

It is worth doing a quick check if all graphic elements are:

  • aligned in relation to other elements. For example, the blocks and arrows of a flowchart should be in one horizontal or vertical line.
  • aligned with regard to the slide layout. For instance, a diagram, as a whole, looks balanced if positioned centrally on a slide.
  • evenly distributed. For example, in a set of same-size pictures check if the space is equal between each of them.
Alignment of texts, charts and tables design ppt tips

How to align elements in PowerPoint?

When you move a slide element, PowerPoint will show smart guides – lines appearing next to the element when you are moving it. Smart guides should be visible by default (if not, check in the top menu View / Show box and click the tiny arrow icon at the lower bottom corner to open Grid Settings).

To align several separate elements together, select them all and go to the top menu Shape Format / Align.

Alignment of texts, charts and tables design ppt tips menu controls align

Here are a few examples of properly aligned slides with dashboards for your inspiration:

remuneration-dashboard design tips ppt

More slide design resources to get you going

If you want to know how you can improve your slides further, check those resources:

Get our free sample and let’s stay in touch for more tips and resources!

Peter Z
Peter Z

Chief Diagram Designer, infoDiagram co-founder

Articles: 96