How to Present Investment, CAPEX on a PowerPoint Slide [concept visualization]

Last Updated on January 12, 2022 by Anastasia

Need to illustrate Investment concept? Is Investment or CAPEX expenses a topic of your presentation in

It is crucial to choose the right way to present your investment ideas. Here are a few symbols suggestions you can use to illustrate your point about investment.

How to Illustrate Investment in a Presentation Diagram

Being able to illustrate this concept is essential because it is widely used in business world, whether you want to make an impression on your investors or to make a presentation on future on the company in front of your team. The most understandable ways we have discovered to illustrate complex ideas  is to find a simple picture or icon rather than trying to capture or construct a complex flow chart or similar graphic.

Visual Metaphors for CAPEX or Investment- Modern & Neutral

Below there are icon examples from our style neutral flat icons collection. It features a variety of different approaches to representing an investment. Money and money bag symbols are a great way to demonstrate the quantity of investment or cost, and icons of factories, construction, transport and buildings images are often associated with discussions of CAPEX.

investment flat icon concept

For Creative Style – Unique Hand Drawn Investment Symbols

If rather than sleek and modern, your presented message or audience would benefit from a different approach, our creative hand drawn symbols have a less formal tone and can help you reach a broader audience. The iconsare all sketch-inspired and hand made by infoDiagram designers.

investment scribble icon concept creative

Similar to our modern collection, our creative presentation diagrams rely on the symbolism of investment being interpreted as money note or factories and buildings. The money bag, again, is an obvious literal example.

Have another business concept to illustrate?

Share your visualization challenge in comments and we’ll propose ideas of how you can illustrate your concept in your PowerPoint presentation text or charts. We’d love to hear back from you. (Especially if you’d like to share something our catalog currently lacks.)

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Want more resources for designing creative, effective presentations? See all articles Showing a Business Concept in a Presentation or explore specific topics:

Further Inspirations

Need to show another concept in a presentation? See how to illustrate other business concepts  – Strategy, Investment and OPEX, Deadline and more.

Check our Business Concepts Visualisation List blog:

One picture to rule them – Visual Metaphors Ideas

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