PEST Analysis and PESTEL Model Infographics Presentation

The PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business.

We created a collection of PEST and PESTEL model diagrams, representing PESTEL attributes: Politics, Economy, Society, Technology, Environment, and Law. Presentation template suitable for business analysis and strategy planning presentations. You can use PEST analysis for business and strategic planning, marketing planning, business and product development and research reports.

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Porter’s Five Forces Diagram Infographics Presentation

Do you want to visualize your strategy’s potential on the slide? In this blog, we presented creative graphics that can help you illustrate the position of a business organization with PowerPoint.

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How to Update Presentations & Gather Materials Effectively During Summer

Many of our clients report that July and August are slow times for them. These months tend to have less urgent projects running across the board, and since it’s a common time of year for staff to go on vacation, there aren’t typically many new projects added to the docket. Of course, this is also a time when there is low conference attendance, and fewer projects to attend to. For marketing folks, however, the end of summer is a time of opportunity. Summer’s end is a great time to bolster marketing efforts, update presentation resources, prepare and refresh marketing materials and prepare for a busy final quarter!

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Sales Funnel Graphics Are a Shortcut to Presentation Engagement

When presenting to your team or another department, it can be difficult to capture the attention of your audience. The struggle is often based in the need to make more engaging presentations, more so than a lack of interest or effort on the part of the presenter. We’ve found that explaining concepts such as sales funnel with graphics not only makes the presentation more visually engaging but helps to clarify what might otherwise be a difficult concept. Continue reading Sales Funnel Graphics Are a Shortcut to Presentation Engagement

Illustrating Client Profile and NPS Opinions on a Slide

Need to represent Your client in a presentation? Create a visual client profile illustration, so-called your Sales Persona. Present in a picture that ideal customer of yours visually. Show the personality type, what your customer thinks and speaks.
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How to Visualize Customer Segment in Presentation

If you work in a company handling numerous customers, customer insight is an important part of your work. Customer segmentation is a way that helps to personalize the approach to customers even if there are many of them. Identifying customer segments and profiles is a tool not to treat all clients as the same. Because we are not the same. We differ by age, interests, value, and purchase frequency.

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