IT Company Using PPT Infographics [client story]

Infographics are everywhere around us: they are bright, fast to catch, and easy to understand.

If you think PowerPoint is not the right tool for that, you will be surprised 🙂 Here’s an example of our client using tall-format ppt infographics for promoting their digital services on the website. Continue reading IT Company Using PPT Infographics [client story]

New Presentation Resources We Designed in 2016

But firstly huge THANKS.
2016 was a great year for us. Because of you!

Thanks for using our slides graphics. For writing us what you need. For helping us improving the world of visual communication 🙂

New Learning Resources for Presentation Design

Here are blog articles with hints and examples of making an engaging visual presentation:

Continue reading New Presentation Resources We Designed in 2016

Slide management challenge – conversation with Katrik Sundar

Besides designing presentation slides, I often see another challenge – how to effectively manage presentations and slides such that they are organized and easily accessible.  I personally use many slide decks across my projects and customers. But they need to be well organized and updated often which is a very time-consuming task. How to do it?

Here’s a conversation I had with Katrik Sundar, founder of Teamslide and a specialist in the topic of presentation and slide management.

Continue reading Slide management challenge – conversation with Katrik Sundar

How Sebastian uses slide design for e-learning Scrum course

This is a story of Sebastian, who uses our scribble slides graphics not only for classical presenting at a meeting. Sebastian is the person behind the idea of our Scrum visuals – icons toolbox and recent know-how slides.
Continue reading How Sebastian uses slide design for e-learning Scrum course

News: Extending blog: Design and PPTX hints

Looking at our previous posts, you could see we were not blogging too often. Once every 2-3 months. Our intention was mainly to share some specific diagram visualization examples.  Now we are going to extend this focus – sharing some more general design and PPTX hints on using slides illustrations, giving hints on using PowerPoint or other presentation software. And showing you more about what we are cooking for you in our visuals kitchen.

Continue reading News: Extending blog: Design and PPTX hints